Janine Gallizia

Results : 6 Items

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  1. T.O.M.E. le programme de formation 100% aquarelle de Janine Gallizia - Version nomade
    Special Price €248.00 instead of Regular Price €249.00 -0% -0%
    Ce nouveau programme de formation à l’aquarelle 100% numérique répond à tous les niveaux et tous les besoins. Accessible depuis votre smartphone ou votre ordinateur, ce programme de formation permet à...
  2. Comment reprendre votre SANTÉ en main - Livre écrit par Janine Gallizia
    Special Price €25.00 instead of Regular Price €30.00 -17% -17%
     Prix de lancement  : économisez 5 euros ! Ce livre fruit de recherche durant 8 années, tente de faire changer de modèle en partageant des connaissances scientifiques peu connues pour améliorer la ...
  3. Get Well Fast - The Ultimate Health Reset of all disease - Written by Janine Gallizia
    Did your ANYONE tell you that you CAN reverse cancer, Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease, arthritis, back pain, skin conditions in just a few months? They should have, it has been scientifically proven for ...
  4. Janine Gallizia - Box-set with 2 DVDs Watercolour Guidelines and solutions
    Special Price €29.50 instead of Regular Price €59.00 -50% -50%
    Janine Gallizia shares methods, ideas, tricks: how to create atmosphere for any subject, and how to find your own unique style. Two languages: English and French.
  5. Chaussettes rouges et glace au brocoli - Janine Gallizia
    Ralph, un jeune kangourou, avait un trésor, mais un trésor pas comme les autres : deux chaussettes magiques ! Le nouveau livre de Janine Gallizia, aquarelliste…
  6. Janine Gallizia, Creating a composition - DVD (English version)
    Janine Gallizia opens up her studio and talks us through the creation of a still life painting; discussing her initial idea, her choices behind the composition through to the finished piece…

Results : 6 Items

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