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The Art of Watercolour 45th issue - PRINT Edition

Discover the new issue of The Art of Watercolour. In this issue, Susy Soulies shares her technical secrets without a moment’s hesitation in an eight-page article with a step-by-step demonstration. Benefit from her experience and get tips on drawing, composition and mixing colours. Anne McCartney combines watercolour and drawing gum in order to achieve the right values and tones. You will also discover in this issue the wonderful watercolours of wild animals by Dylan Scott Pierce... In love with Africa and its wildlife, he transmits his passion through his luminous and transparent works. A real treat for the eyes! Our meeting with Viktoria Prsichedko brings further added depth and variety to this issue. In her recent paintings, she moves away from realism, adding a loose expressive feel and abstract shapes.

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Watercolor Artists sharing their secrets!


Special New Readers’ Competition: The results of our “Action or Change” themed contest.
What’s on: Watercolour events from all over the world.
Competition winner : Katarzyna Kmiecik
PORTFOLIO: Dylan Scott Pierce.
 This young American artist is fascinated by Africa, its inhabitants and its fauna.

Kourosh Aslani: He is fascinated by representing the moment, both the moment he paints and the moment he portrays in his atmospheric landscapes.
Susy Soulies: Passionate about colour, she demonstrates that it is possible to show freedom in watercolour while relying on a well-constructed and detailed drawing.
Ksenija Koloskova: Drawing inspiration from her travels, she walks a fine line between abstraction and figuration, dreams and reality.
Viktoria Prischedko: The artist reveals her vision of watercolour in which emotions meet colours.
Revelation: Jean-Louis Aparicio. This former globe-trotter has been painting in watercolour for ten years and loves portraits.
Anne McCartney: She paints multiple layers of colour, applying masking fluid between each layer to obtain saturated colours in paintings that showcase the depth of her sensibility.
Peter Jablokow: An architect by training, he likes the foundations that a solid drawing gives him. It allows him to let go and play with the characteristics of watercolour.
Liu Yi: The paintings of this Chinese master are marked by a form of serenity and respect for his subject that only come with an exact and precise knowledge of the technique of watercolour.

Special feature: portraits by Supawan Srinapharat, Ona Kingdon and Jean-Paul Rousseau.

- If you are feeling unmotivated and uninspired, follow Janine Gallizia’s simple method to get your painting flowing again.
- An Indian courtyard, enhanced by Bijay Biswaal.
Light through colour, an animal demo by Christopher Reid.
- Painting using abstract shapes and blue painter’s tape with Chuck McPherson.

Can talent be passed on? Contrary to knowledge or a certain form of intelligence that can be passed on through education or background, talent seems to be a quality that doesn’t necessarily get passed down from generation to generation. It’s true that in literature and music, children often follow in their parents’ footsteps, but it’s not so easy to find examples in painting. One explanation is perhaps that, more than certain other means of expressing one’s creativity, painting requires a level of technical mastery and know-how, in short knowing ‘how’ to do what you ‘want’ to do. In this issue, Susy Soulies shares her technical secrets without a moment’s hesitation in an eight-page article with a step-by-step demonstration. Benefit from her experience and get tips on drawing, composition and mixing colours. Follow each clear and precise step as she creates a masterpiece that we hope will inspire your own paintings in the future.
Anne McCartney combines watercolour and drawing gum in order to obtain the right values and tones. She takes advantage of her article to explain an approach that puts creativity and originality first! You will also discover in this issue the wonderful watercolours of wild animals by Dylan Scott Pierce, who conveys his love of Africa and its wildlife in luminous transparent watercolours that are a real treat for the eyes! Our meeting with Viktoria Prischedko brings further added depth and variety to this issue. In her recent paintings, she has moved away from realism, adding a loose expressive feel and abstract shapes which combine with her capacity to capture light to recreate the atmosphere of her chosen subjects, whilst preserving a part of mystery. Wishing you a wonderful spring and happy painting!
The editorial team.

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Country of ManufactureFrance
Reference number12804-AOW 45
Page number100
EditorDiverti Editions
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