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David Poxon - Heart and Soul

Discover David Poxon's work enlightened in this beautiful book which collects all his watercolour paintings marked with sensibility and perfectionnism.

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David Poxon, R.I., N.W.S., is admired the world over for the precision and craftmanship of his pure watercolour paintings. This book contains an eclectic collection of his most iconic works together with a section describing the artist's techniques. It is the most complete biography to date on this modern-day Master of the watercolour medium.

There is a growing number of documentary photographers who perform a vital service in preserving aspects of our socio-industrial heritage. Known as 'Urban Explorers', these tenacious artists follow in the anti-graphic tradition of Walker Evans, Henri Cartie-Bresson, and Manuel Alvarez Bravo. Over the years several of these modern explorers have become my friends and provided me with much source inspiration. We share a common vision and appreciation of things and places abandoned.

Working practices
My medium of preference is watercolour, and I am a purist in the sense that mainly transparent pigment is used, and white paint avoided. I aim to record what is seen and felt in a subject as accurately and realistically as possible, believing that any finished painting should attempt to transcend a mere visual experience and reach out to the viewer in a stimulating, emotional, and engaging way.

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Country of ManufactureUnited Kingdom
Reference number9830-2446
Author or artist's nameDavid Poxon
Page number196
Size28 x 21
EditorBannister Editions
Bar code9781909813380
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