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The Art of Watercolour n°13

Our winter issue focuses more particularly on colour: explore its dynamics with Ann Pember, master its characteristics and learn about the colour shift with Janine Gallizia…
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Our winter issue focuses more particularly on colour: explore its dynamics with Ann Pember, master its characteristics and learn about the colour shift with Janine Gallizia. Also: take a stroll in French cities with Franck Hérété, learn how to make the most of plein air painting abroad with Michael Reardon, linger on Tao Shihu's serene Chinese landscapes, discover the overwhelming portraits of Alzheimer's patients with Herman Van Hoogdalem
Plus the 10th anniversary of the French Watercolour Society and Wang Wei's breathtaking virtuosity…

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Country of ManufactureFrance
Reference number7932-AOW 13
EditorDiverti Editions
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